Hello guys! I was tagged to do the 'Very Inspiring blogger award' by Briony - thank you!
- Link the person who nominated you in your post
- List the rules and display the award
- Share 7 facts about yourself
- Nominate 15 other blogs and link them in your post
- Let them know you have nominated them
Facts about myself
- I have dyed my hair dark red (around 3 times), dark purple, light brown and black - recently. However, I really want to dye it blonde and then pastel pink like next year or something
- The tattoos I want, (well am thinking about getting in the future) are: a heart on my left index finger, an arrow (I'm not entirely sure where yet), and 'care less' in Chinese on my back or right inner or side of my arm (in quite small letters)
- I really need a job! I have been shortlisted for one and I'm praying I'll get it! *fingers crossed*
- I'm going to Malaysia Borneo for 4 weeks in 2015 (I made a blog post about it, if you haven't read it, you could go check it out if you wanted: World Challenge - Malaysia and Borneo)
- I am getting contact lenses soon and I'm very excited as I don't like wearing my glasses, even though they look alright ha ha!
- I am probably going to go on a Gap Year in 2015/2016 and I hope to travel to a few places with friends and do some voluntary work to do with whatever I have decided to study at Uni
- I hope to go to University and study either English Language with Media or Psychology
I am going to nominate 5 people as I honestly can't be bothered to tag 15 people! So anyone else who wishes to do it, obviously feel free too and send me the link in the comments of this post, as I'd love to give it a read!
Thank you for reading :)
Love, Emily x