
Very Inspiring blogger award

Hello guys! I was tagged to do the 'Very Inspiring blogger award' by Briony - thank you! Rules Link the person who nominated you in your post List the rules and display the award Share 7 facts about yourself Nominate 15 other blogs and link them in your post Let them know you have nominated them Facts about myself  I have dyed my hair...

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Hello everyone! Today I'm going to be doing the TMI tag. I didn't get tagged by anyone specifically, but I was reading Georgia's post and she tagged anyone who wants to do the tag, so I thought why not?! Here goes... 1.) What are you wearing?  A T Shirt from H&M with like monkeys either side with leaves (sorry, I'm crap at describing things!)...

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World Challenge - Malaysia and Borneo

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to be talking about a life changing trip I will be going on in just over a year. We had an assembly quite a few months ago about this thing called 'World Challenge'. People who work for the business came in and talked to us about it, and as it sounded quite interesting and fun I grabbed a...

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